Sauce was created with VX-REXX 2.0, patch level A. The 'add on' program VXREZ was also used to insert the icons. I haven't tested Sauce with any other version or patch level. VROBJ.DLL must be either in your libpath or in the same directory where Sauce resides. Enough of that stuff, here's the in's and out's of Sauce. DELETE/MOVE: The trash can represents DELETE and the file triangle represents MOVE. When either one is selected. The focus will be switched to Working Directory. WORKING DIRECTORY: The working directory is the directory in which the files under that directory will be read. Enter the full directory path IE: 'C:\OS2\BITMAP'. After the path is entered press TAB. The files from the working directory will read into the File List area on the left. Select file(s) from the list either one at a time or by dragging your mouse, you can select more than one. ADD ==> After you have made your file selections, press ADD and the files you selected will be moved from the File List field to the Execution List on the right. EXECUTE: You can still cancel all operations with no harm being done. But if you really want to delete the file(s) on the right select EXECUTE. The files will be deleted and the program will end. If you selected the MOVE icon the working directory will work the same. The files will read in on the left etc. After the files read in the Destination Directory will become the focus. DESTINATION DIRECTORY: The Destination Directory is the directory in which you will move selected files from the working directory to the destination directory. After you have entered the full directory path press TAB. The directory will be searched for to determine whether it needs to be created. If it does, a message will be displayed informing you. If you choose CREATE the directory will be created. If you wish to choose a different click OK. NOTE: When you choose MOVE the files from Working Directory are not visible. They will become visible AFTER your destination directory has been entered or created. HELP!: By selecting this button a quicker, less lengthy help is available. This help file (the one your reading) is suppose to be a more extensive help resource. PRODUCT INFORMATION: All these menu options are informational in nature and contain Version, Author, disclaimer a Watcom plug etc. Please at least once read through them. (Especially the program plea) PROGRAM HISTORY: 05/25/94 - 06/06/94 Program development. 06/07/94 Version 1.0 complete. 06/08/94 (Version 1.1) Corrected spelling errors... DUH ! Corrected problem with MOVE function 06/11/94 - 06/13/94 (Version 1.5) Removed CREATE checkbox and added the create option to the Destination Directory window. Inserted varification of task completion and dialog box, asking user whether they want to continue or exit (Before the program would end without varification) Reajusted FOCUS defaults making program flow more logical. Fixed bug with first file not showing up in File List